Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Nottingham's Cinema History

This blog will follow the Exploring Nottingham's Cinema Heritage course and include all the research findings, pictures and videos compiled by the group.

Each week we will focus on a different cinema or area of Nottingham to try to build a nostalgic history of the culture of Nottingham's cinemas.

The group will be able to speak to friends and relatives, use the public library and the internet to uncover stories, insights and memories of Nottingham's cinema past.

All findings will be emailed or scanned in and placed in this blog to give everyone a sense of ownership over the material and to be able to access a unique picture of Nottingham's past.

It is hoped that over the next 6 weeks we will be able to unearth a cultural history of cinema culture in Nottingham built on your memories and experiences.

To help get you started there are a few useful resources that might be worth a look. The documentary 'Nottingham at the Cinema' is a detailed look at cinema's that are no longer with us and reveals a personal history over about 100 years. A short clip and details are below

Short clip from the dvd/video of the same name available for £4.99 from Nottingham Audio Visual (NAV) Tel: +44 (0)115 939 3322

Also the book 'Going to the Pictures: A Short History of Cinema in Nottingham' by Michael Payne and published by Nottingham Civic Society is essential reading as are a collection of books detailing local history produced by the group. 

 read about the book here link